Become a member
If you share a passion for community service and would like to connect with others from diverse professional backgrounds, please come along to our meetings to learn more.
There are 2 stages to joining the club and the first stage is to attend a meeting to meet the members, and learn more about the club.
The second stage is to apply for membership.
We meet every Wednesday 12:30 pm for a 12:45 start for lunch at the Darebin RSL, Bell St Preston. We enjoy lunch together, run through latest Rotary events/news, then hear from our Guest Speaker of the day. Meetings conclude by 2pm. Whilst we encourage you to attend meetings as frequently as possible, we realise that’s not always possible. Things come up! However meetings are a great way to get to know other members, and if you have time some of us stay on for a coffee and a chat.
Subscription fees.
Annual subscription is $300 .
Annual subscription is $300 .
Family membership for couples is $300, plus $30 for partner annually.
Clergy Subscription is $30/year.
Working with Children
All members and prospective members are required to have a Working with Children Card. WWC cards are free for volunteers and can be obtained through the government website.
Progressing Membership application
Meet with our Chairperson of Membership committee to complete application details.