Past President Paul has been heavily involved in assisting small businesses survive COVID-19 via the Darebin Business Network. 
He shares this news:
City of Darebin – Business Recovery Grants.
The Business recovery program is part of the $11.5 million package to provide immediate relief to local businesses who are experiencing disadvantage or who are in a state of vulnerability.
This Business program has two rounds of funding, the first round of grants opened on Friday 15 May 2020 and closed on Sunday 31st May 2020.
It was a lengthy process throughout the month of June to analyse and also make recommendations on all the 200 plus Grant applications that were submitted.
A second round of a similar amount will be announced in a few months.
Businesses had no option but to search for alternative methods of growing their business base.
Unfortunately this second round of COVID – 19 will test businesses once again.
Some statistics listed below.
COVID-19: Implications on Businesses in Darebin
Many Companies experienced significant downturn in business in the three months to June 2020.
Direct contact with the businesses confirmed sudden fall in sales that forced reductions in working hours.
50%, experienced a 70% reduction in sales that caused severe cash flow difficulties (Those that service Cafe and Restaurant have been impacted the most)
30%, moderate position and worked at 50% levels
20%,  maintained stable level of sales and employment
New Approach by Businesses in Darebin:
70% said they had changed how they delivered goods, on-line; ready meals, pick up, frozen packs 
30% said they have scaled up new product development, process innovation with their idle hours